Well where did March go?
Although the web site has been very quiet we have been really busy… a bit like swan gliding along while paddling furiously under the water.
On the 28th February Suzi walked a marathon to raise funds for Crossing Countries. She raised over £700 and funds are still incoming! Well Done Suzi. Here’s a little word from her about her experience.
“It was the most challenging thing I have ever done. I expected to really suffer with fatigue throughout the latter part of the journey but what really knocked me was severe pains in my hips and knees. These started around mile 7 and just got worse but at that point Jean dropped off my dog Bailey to do the next 10 miles with me so that took my mind off the pain a lot. The last few miles were the worst, the rain came down and I was all alone with no phone battery for music or contact. I made it, 8 and a half hours later I stumbled very sore and wet through my front door to be greeted by my housemate, our dogs and of course the Crossing Countries team who had made a lovely roast dinner, apple crumble and a very large glass of prosecco. Walking through the door was strange, I suddenly realised how cold and wet I was and that I had actually completed what I set out to do. The overwhelming happiness and relief was not something I had expected. I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has donated, sent well wishes and joined me on the walk. I really couldn’t have done it without you.”
A random letter sent by Jean after listening to Dame Julia Cleverdon on Desert Island Disks resulted in connections with George Fielding at Whizz Kids and Ronnie Davidson at Character Scotland. Thanks to Julia, George and Ronnie for their advice and we hope to see George on next year’s trip! We also want to say a big thank you to Character Scotland for awarding us their small grant fund.