Our Rethinking Disability workshops aim to challenge the way people think about disability.
To further our desire to promote everyone’s value to society, we are now developing and delivering a programme of practical workshops around rethinking disability. The idea is that through doing practical activities and chatting over a cuppa and cake, we learn to think about disability in a different way.
Are you tired of conforming to expectations?
Do you want your staff or students to be more empathetic?
Could you view the world differently?
Our activity workshops are delivered and developed by disabled people and non-disabled people together. None of yer PowerPoint, jargon or regulations – just thought provoking fun activities with tea and cake…
So let’s start the journey from sympathy to empathy to rational compassion. Let’s see similarity rather than difference, and begin by thinking about these questions…
Does wearing glasses make you disabled?
What if the height of counters and doors were only designed for wheelchair users?
How much would you miss if your favourite TV programme was only in sign language?
We would love to hear from people of all abilities and organisations that would like to rethink disability.
To explore the ordinariness of difference, read on…