There has been a long gap since our last blog but we have been posting on both the ‘Durban 2014 Overview and Durban 2014 Uncut’ tabs and on face book.
The trip to Durban was really successful and our experiences made us even more determined to make Crossing Countries into a social enterprise so that other groups can have the same enriching and empowering experience. To that end Crossing Countries is in the process of registering as a social enterprise with Jean and Beth as co-directors to be joined by Jude when she has finished her studies. We have to get advice on the correct clauses for the Articles of Association after that we will be a social enterprise. EXCITED!!
We have been busy since we came home… getting the web page up to date, giving feedback to the organisations we used and worked with and getting the word out about our project. We have also been doing researching and planning our structure and of course thinking about our next trip. There is so much to do and with us all back at work or studying it is complicated trying to fit everything in.
We have also been looking at the possibilities of going to other destinations, in particular Norway and Ecuador but these are just dreams…on the other hand we made the Durban dream come true so why not?
We are now looking for volunteers with skills who could help us with finance, training Travel Pals in supporting disabled people and any other backing/ advice. If you yourself would like to help or if you know anyone please get in touch on
ALSO take a second to like, follow or share our page here or on face book or on twitter @CC_Travellers…you never know where a connection will led….