For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.
Do I need to have a disability to take part?
No, you could be part of a team working on an activity.
Is it open to all disabled people?
Yes, if you have an idea or something to say then get involved.
How do I decide what the workshop is about?
Choose something you are passionate about and we will help you with your idea.
Do I need any qualifications?
No, this is about your lived experience and what you want to tell people about.
How much time will I have to commit?
This will depend according to how complicated you make your workshop. Once completed it may be 3-4 hours a week or month depending on our bookings
What is in it for me?
- Confidence building.
- Training and facilitating skills.
- Experience for your C.V.
- Discount on SA trips.
- All expenses paid and refreshments where necessary.
- Being part of an organisation that will change the way society thinks about disability.
- We give you a voice.
What are the benefits for my organisation?
You’ll notice benefits in may areas, including:
- Customer service.
- Team building vs isolation in workforce.
- Universal design such as good lighting or clear instructions are good for everyone.
- Purple pound.
- Makes disability ordinary not oppressive. Everyone is disabled by something but in general they are not oppressed because of their impairment.
- Looks at the world from a different perspective and leads to increased creativity & problem solving.
- Foster realistic compassion.
Where do the workshops happen?
We can come to your organisation or work with you to book a suitable venue.
How much does it cost?
Per person £? Maximum/Minimum number in session. Discount for social enterprises and charities.
How long are the workshops?
2 hours
Can I focus on one disability or are they general?
We can tailor them to you as we are building a ‘library’ of activities.
Still can’t find an answer to your question? Reach out directly through our Contact Us page.